Saturday, 11 February 2012

Britannia Rules the Waves

Argentina. What more do I really need to say? As the days and weeks have gone by, the South American country has kicked off more and more about British 'colonialism' and 'empire building.' HRH The Duke of Cambridge (Prince William to the nonces out there) has been sent to the Falklands as part of his search-and-rescue pilot role. The HMS Dauntless was sent down there as part of a standard South Atlantic presence. Claims the HMS Vanguard has entered South American waters are unfounded.

When asked about whose rule they'd rather live under, the Falkland Islanders to a man chose Great Britain. One could argue that Argentina trying to impose foreign rule on them (as they wish to do, not as they are actually trying just yet...) is morally and ethically wrong. I won't lie, what do I know, but if the people don't want something, then they just don't want it. Furthermore, Christina Kirchner, president of Argentina, says Great Britain's claim over the Falklands is 'the last refuge of empire' and that we are holding onto them for the sake of simply 'having a colony elsewhere.' Her reason for believing Argentina should have the islands? They're nearby, 'cause that makes sense.

I don't think Britain is necessarily the best at foreign diplomacy in these sorts of situations, but quite frankly Ms. Kirchner and her Argentina need to grow up and man up. The people don't want you, we don't want you to have them, and your vacuous rhetoric is getting on my nerves a little. To put it simply; do one.

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